The Nvicta AI platform is designed for drilling service companies to harness the power of real-time data to enhance their decision-making and manage several drilling processes remotely. In comparison to existing drilling data platforms, Nvicta AI is focused on empowering service companies to increase the marketability of their services by automating decision-making, optimizing reporting, and enhancing rig-site integration.
The platform is web-based and runs entirely in the cloud, so there is no need for on-site installation of the software. With that said, the platform can also be hosted on a self-managed or dedicated server based on different security needs.
In this article, we begin to give you a brief introduction to the core aspects of the Nvicta AI platform. In future posts, we will dive deeper into each module and explore how they work to bring value to your drilling operations!
Data Sources
The platform consumes real-time data directly from WITS (with the capability to append raw
machine data) or WITSML. For WITS, a lightweight application reliably fetches serial data, performs rig-site backups, and pushes raw data to the cloud. The system administrator can manage WITS codes and units remotely through the web dashboard. A WITS viewer allows the user to monitor WITS packets as they come and identify missing traces. While only some EDR and MWD traces are essential to the platform’s core functionality, the user can add as many custom WITS traces as desired for cloud storage and visualization.
The platform also provides connectivity to any external databases to extract contextual information such as corrected surveys and hole and BHA information.
Data Visualization
On the main view of the dashboard, users can get a holistic and real-time view of the drilling operation. Several visualizations are available such as a drilling progress gauge, vertical charts for time and depth plotting of real-time and historical drilling data, and customizable gauges (more on this later!). In the Compare Wells view, raw and calculated trends can be plotted side by side for several offset wells. The user can navigate these plots in a few different ways :
Selecting a specific hole section or BHA run
Filtering by formation top for this current well and its offset wells
Selecting a survey station or stand

Performance Metrics
Through calculations powered by Nvicta AI's rig state detection technology, the Performance Metrics module breaks down the performance of the well through various metrics. An important metric for directional drilling is connection times and their breakdown in terms of weight-to-slip, slip-to-slip, and slip-to-weight, as well as pump-to-slip and slip-to-pump. These breakdowns are visualized on the dashboard using stacked bar charts for each stand or aggregated based on crew shift, day, or week. Other calculated metrics include sliding and rotary ROP, slide performance, and stand activity breakdowns, The Performance Metrics module allows all metrics to be compared to other wells for benchmarking purposes.

Thanks for reading! In the next post, we will introduce Nvicta AI's directional guidance module. Stay tuned!