Nvicta AI Platform

Aggregate MWD, EDR, and Machine Data
Nvicta AI seamlessly aggregates and stores all EDR, MWD, and machine data in the cloud without the need to rely on third-party data providers. Visualize everything in one place, or compare across multiple wells. Operational KPIs such as connection times and stand-by-stand metrics are calculated in real-time.
Directional Guidance and Planning
An intelligent directional guidance package offers:
Real-time projection to the bit with live tracking
Continuous surveys using live inclination and azimuth
Automated sliding instructions through AI-based path planning
Simulation of user-generated instructions

Directional Performance Indicators
Various directional KPIs such as sliding efficiency, average slide toolface, slide distance, and 3D tortuosity are calculated and used to generate automated slide sheets. Rotary tendencies are calculated from real and pseudo surveys and plotted to help with directional performance.
Real-time Physics
Automated torque and drag modeling, friction factor estimation, and buckling analysis are performed automatically based on aggregated BHA and hole data. Annular, standpipe pressure, and cuttings bed height are estimated in real-time and used to assess operational efficiency.

Smart Alerts and Notifications
Nvicta AI generates custom alerts based on time, depth, or survey-based attributes and notifies your team using push, email, and text notifications. These alerts can be simply user-designed or generated based on advanced pattern recognition conducted on several attributes.
Drilling Optimization
Nvicta AI analyzes real-time and offset drilling data to recommend the best drilling parameters that maximize ROP and minimize MSE. An automated curve-fitting founder module provides an effective way to monitor the relationship between several variables such as differential pressure and WOB to identify inefficient operating parameters.